How Can Live Teen Patti Improve Your Online Casino?

As the operator of an online casino, what steps can you take to improve your platform? Technical fixes are often the first port of call, with operators improving speed, reliability and security. While these are certainly beneficial, introducing a new game such as live teen patti can be the real difference maker.

What exactly is live teen patti and how can it help to improve your online casino? We’ve written up a guide that gives an overview of the game and highlights its key strengths to help you understand why it is becoming such a popular choice for casino operators. Read on to learn more.

What is Live Teen Patti?

Teen patti is a card game thought to have originated in India. The game is similar to poker, with some key distinctions. Each player is dealt three cards, with the object of the game being to have the strongest hand. Card hands include recognisable combinations such as a pair, flush, straight and three of a kind.

What makes teen patti unique is that players can choose to play ‘blind’, which means they bet without looking at their cards. This affects how much they can wager and the betting options of subsequent players, making for some interesting situations.

So, now that we know what teen patti is, what is live teen patti? While teen patti is traditionally played in person with real cards, live teen patti is instead played virtually. However, where it differs from purely digital emulations is that live teen patti utilises streaming technology to broadcast a live dealer using real cards to a group of remote players.

Read on to find out how the game can improve your online casino platform.

More Options for Players

Players today are spoiled for choice, with countless different online casinos and services to choose from. As an operator, how can you cut through the noise and ensure players choose your platform over a competitor? One of the most effective ways to do so is to offer a diverse range of games.

Games like blackjack and roulette are popular, but if you want to differentiate your platform you should look to explore less prevalent games. Live teen patti is the perfect choice. While it may not have the mainstream recognition enjoyed by famous titles, it is rapidly growing in popularity and boasts a loyal fan base of players.

Live teen patti will attract players who are already familiar with the game and players who are looking to try something new, bolstering your customer base and giving you an edge over your competitors.

Recreate the Casino Atmosphere

The atmosphere of a casino is part of the attraction. Players enjoy socialising and soaking in the general ambience, with the lights, décor and other casino guests only adding to the overall experience.

When casinos moved online, this atmosphere was sacrificed and replaced by a digital, disconnected virtual environment. This has been the main criticism levied at the sector over the years, with many players feeling like it does not accurately reflect the traditional casino experience.

This is where live teen patti comes in. It offers the best of both worlds, the advanced features and convenience of a digital game with the social elements and interactive opportunities of a real casino table.

By offering your players the chance to interact with one another and the dealer, you will be fostering a sense of community that can help players feel valued and engaged. This can be incredibly effective and will certainly make your brand stand out among competitor platforms.

Target New Player Groups

The online gambling player base encompasses enormous demographic groups and spans across multiple jurisdictions. However, it can be tricky to effectively target all of these segments, and often operators find themselves stuck within a particular group.

The key to expansion is diversification, with games like live teen patti the perfect option for attracting a wider base of players. The game is particularly popular in Asian countries, so by including the title as part of your offering you will have greater success in targeting and attracting players from these regions.

As we touched on earlier, live teen patti may also help you attract players who are looking for something different. Experienced players may be tired of popular titles like blackjack and roulette, so a platform that offers something different may pose an attractive option.


Live teen patti can improve your online casino in a number of ways. It offers more options for players and can help diversify your product offering. It also successfully recreates the casino experience, increasing engagement and enhancing the experience. Finally, live teen patti can help you target new jurisdictions and player demographics.