Responsible gambling is one of the key issues faced by the gambling industry today. Operators must take steps to protect their players and must have options in place through which players can implement their own safeguards. 

When it comes to baccarat, how can operators ensure their customers are safe and offer guidance and support to vulnerable players? Setting limits is the key. All players must be offered the option to set limits to ensure responsible gambling standards are adhered to. Let’s find out more. 

Betting in Baccarat 

First, let’s briefly go over the rules and discuss how betting works in a game of baccarat. In doing so, you will gain a better understanding of how, as an operator, allowing for limits can help promote responsible gambling among your players. 

Baccarat is a card game that is played in casinos around the world. It is extremely popular in Asia but is also gaining traction in Western markets, particularly as a result of the growth of live dealer baccarat.

In baccarat, the aim is to correctly guess which hand, either the player or the banker, will be closer to a total of nine. Bets are placed at the start of a round before the cards are dealt, with baccarat games usually moving quickly and rounds being completed rapidly. Some versions of baccarat offer numerous side bet options, some with steep odds of up to 200/1.

There are plenty of betting options in baccarat, and the pace of the game means players can make wagers rapidly. This means that ensuring there are systems in place to protect potentially vulnerable players is imperative.

Setting Limits

When it comes to promoting responsible gambling, one of the most effective approaches is to give players control over their own actions. The majority of players do not want to feel coddled or micro-managed and will appreciate being given the responsibility to set their own limits when playing games like baccarat. 

Deposit limits are one of the most popular methods used by players to control their gambling. They can use these to set hard limits on how much they can deposit within a specific period of time, usually per month. Not only does this prevent players from spending more than they can afford, but it also teaches them to better manage their bankroll during games like baccarat.

Loss limits function in a similar way to deposit limits, but these limit the amount a player can lose over a certain period, rather than just how much they can deposit. With loss limits, players can ensure they don’t lose any winnings they might make, and they can encourage them to cash out while they’re ahead.  

Spending History

Baccarat is an exciting game that is enjoyed by players the world over. It’s slightly more exotic than blackjack or roulette, which is one of the reasons why it’s enjoying such popularity. 

However, players caught up in the thrill of the game might not always be aware of just how much they are spending. As an operator, promoting responsible gambling is all about transparency and accessibility. Allowing players to look over their in-game spending history allows them to more effectively track their bankroll management and ensure they are not spending beyond their means. 

Information on playing time is important too. As the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun, so your players might not realise just how long they’ve been at the baccarat table if they’re really enjoying themselves. Providing play time stats and displaying reminders at certain intervals can help players manage their time more effectively. 

Identifying Vulnerable Players 

While allowing for self-imposed limits and giving players access to spending history information can help promote responsible gambling, it is not an effective approach for supporting vulnerable problem players. 

According to research conducted by the Gambling Commission, the rate of problem gambling is 0.2%. This might seem low, but it’s still imperative that operators take steps to identify and support vulnerable players. 

Many modern gambling platforms utilise artificial intelligence (AI) technology to scan player behaviour and flag any issues that could indicate problem gambling. Playtime, wagering activity, and win/loss rates can all be analysed rapidly to assess whether or not a player might be vulnerable. 

If a player has been flagged as at-risk, operators can then reach out to that player and encourage them to take a break and limit their activity. If this fails, hard limits and blocks can be implemented to safeguard that player. 


Responsible gambling is something all modern gambling operators must consider. Supporting and protecting your players will do wonders for your brand’s image and will ensure you do not fall foul of tightening player protection regulations. For players of baccarat and other casino games, allowing for self-imposed limits and offering spending and playtime insights are among the most effective ways to promote responsible gambling.