Why Should All Casino Operators Offer Auto Roulette?

On the surface, roulette appears to be one of the simplest casino table games. However, the title has numerous variations, such as auto roulette, many of which can offer players something a little bit different.

Roulette is a must-have for any casino operator, but all should also strongly consider including auto roulette as part of their product offering. Let’s take a look at what the game is and why it has become so popular among players.

What is Auto Roulette?

We’re all familiar with the rules and gameplay of roulette. Its simplicity is a primary factor in the game’s success; it requires little prior knowledge and can easily be picked up and understood by new players.

As we touched on earlier, roulette has spawned countless variations over the years, many of which tweak the way in which the game works to change the experience for the player. One of the most popular roulette variations in recent years has been auto roulette. What is it and why has it become such a success?

Traditionally, roulette involves a croupier who collects the bets, spins the wheel and distributes winnings. With auto roulette, the croupier is no longer required, with all game operations instead carried out by a computerised system. 

What benefits can auto roulette offer you as an online casino operator and your players? Read on to find out.

Faster Gameplay

Some players enjoy the social aspect of casino games, chatting with fellow players and the dealer. However, other players are purely focused on the game itself, and do not appreciate distractions that could break their concentration. Auto roulette is the perfect solution for this latter type of player; it offers a streamlined, distraction-free version of the game.

In addition, auto roulette can offer much faster gameplay. Traditional roulette that involves a dealer is only as fast as the human operator. A dealer who is slow can cause delays, leading to frustration among your players.

With auto roulette, a computer handles all aspects of the gameplay, from spinning the wheel to calculating bets and winnings. It does all of this at lightning speed, ensuring the next round can start as quickly as possible without any unnecessary delays or pauses.

Greater Accuracy

As the operator of an online casino, you’ll understand full well how important accuracy and fairness are. Any perceived lack of fairness or inaccurate results can erode trust in your brand, which can have serious implications for the success and future viability of your business. Conversely, building trust among your players can be of enormous benefit, and can be the deciding factor that sees them choose you over a competitor.

Croupiers and dealers are highly trained, but unfortunately, human error can and does occur. This can negatively impact the player experience, especially if it happens more than once. Even seemingly innocuous mistakes can break the sense of immersion, leading to players feeling disengaged and making them less likely to continue playing for an extended period of time.

One of the most effective ways to mitigate this risk is to offer auto roulette. The computerised system eliminates the risk of human error, providing more accurate results that will put your players at ease and build trust in your brand.

Reduced Overheads

Auto roulette can offer players a range of benefits, but it can also offer operators direct financial advantages. By opting for auto roulette rather than traditional roulette, you can avoid the costs of hiring and training dealers and table staff. If you’re looking to cut costs, this can be a fantastic option.

What’s more, maintaining and updating these systems is more affordable than taking on new staff or retraining existing team members. Software updates take seconds to complete, and you can be confident that any changes will only enhance the gaming experience for your players.


When it comes to choosing games to include in your product offering, sometimes it can be hard to know which is the best option. There are so many different games out there, how can you tell which will offer you the best return on your investment? As we have detailed in the above guide, auto roulette is an absolute must-have for any casino operator. It offers faster gameplay and improved accuracy to elevate the player experience and means you can mitigate costs for table staff.

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